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        Leeds FC 7 Nice To Michu 1

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                      2 April 2015

This game saw the return of Oxley and Black. The game opened quickly with Black scoring the first 2 goals. This was followed by others from Oxley and Mulavdic.
Then prior to half time Leeds were presented with two 10m penalties as Nice TM gave away their 6th and 7th fouls. Unfortunately neither Oxley nor M Rawson were able to find the net. (It's fair to say that the Nice TM goalkeeper had a good game).
Early in the second half McKenna conceded a penalty and Nice TM made the score 4-1. Tom Rawson made it 5 for Leeds with 2 more from Black. The last of which came from a long pass from McKenna, who was in the Leeds corner of the pitch, which  dropped just outside the Nice TM "D. Blck sprinted forward to get his thigh under the ball whic then looped over the goalkeeper.
A better team performance due to better defending.
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi,Tom McKenna, Dino Mulavdic, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Michael Rawson, Nick Black. 

    Leeds FC 12 Dynamo Douchebags 3

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                      9 April 2015

Mulavdic set the ball rolling with an early goal but Dynamo struck back twice to lead 2-1.  Black broke free to level up and returning player Hayes eased the score to 3-2
Mulavdic slotted in a shot outside the D with another break from Black making the score 5 -2 at half time
A good team move saw Rawson score the 6th and good break from Mulavdic and Hayes saw the former assist the latter in moving the score to 7 -2. A move started by Rawson in his own half ended with him tapping in and the score being 8 - 2. Black  and Rawson again followed by Black made it 11- 2. A slip in front of goal gave Dynamo their 3rd  and Black put in a 12th before full time.
A game showing Leeds' passing game at its best.
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi,Tom McKenna, Dino Mulavdic, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Nick Black, Laurence Hayes.

        Leeds FC 12 Leeds Deaf FC 0

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                     16 April 2015

Dixon returned to the team with goals through the goalkeeper's legs and then hands to put Leeds 2 up. Following this Leeds Deaf's goalkeeper pushed up leaving space for Rawson to slot one in behind him (and celebrate to the camera!). Following this Dixon put another around the keeper to make it 4-0.
Oxley burst over halfway winning the ball laid it off to receive it back for a tap in 5-0. Dixon went around the keeper again to make it 6-0 at half time.
A backheel from Mulavdic put Oxley in for the 7th. Oxley then blocked a long throw to start a move which finished with him slotting in the eighth. A ball across the "D" from Dixon allowed Black to connect for the ninth. Dixon provided a long pass to allow Rawson to nutmeg the goalkeeper again. A series of long passes allowed Hayes to make it 11-0. And, again. Dixon went around the keeper to bring the score to 12-0.
A game more of individual skills than teamwork this week. 
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Dino Mulavdic, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Nick Black, Joe Dixon, Laurence Hayes

           Leeds FC 14 Substitute 0

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                     23 April 2015

LTH Pharmacy were unable field a team due to injury so the Futsal Arena provided a substitute team from another evening league to fulfill the fixture. Leeds also had Mulavdic, McKenna and Dixon injured.
The game provided a hat full of goals with all outfield players contributing.
The goal share was Black 5, M Rawson 3, T Rawson 3, Oxley 2, Hayes 1.
A one sided game in which Leeds took a little time to get into their stride
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Michael Rawson, Nick Black, Laurence Hayes.

        Leeds FC 9 Real Madrig 5

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                     30 April 2015

M Rawson was ill, McKenna still injured and Dixon unavailable. Oxley, Mulavdic and T Rawson had played an 11-a-side Cup Final the previous evening and it showed!Tiredness meant not being to keep up with the passage of play and latterly leaving Khalighi exposed.
Initially Real took the lead but straight from the following kick off T Rawson equalised. Leeds fould it hard work to be on target but by half time Black and Rawson agin had made it 3-1.
In the second half Leeds begain to runaway with it. Goals from Black then Oxley and another from Real made it 5-2. Oxley, Black and Rawson took the score to 8-2. Then fatigue set in as Real clawed back to 8-5. Black made the score 9-5 just before full time.
The sign of good team "Winning when not playing well" I hope so!
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Dino Mulavdic, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Nick Black, Laurence Hayes

           Leeds FC 2 Olde Red Lion 2

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                      7 May 2015

An ability to get 5 men behind the ball and create a couple of good goals made this game very difficult for Leeds. 
Old Red Lion struck early on and it was not until the second half that Leeds were  able to level with a goal from Oxley. However Leeds let Olde Red Lion back in again mid way through the second half. 
With 1 minute remaining Oxley leveled it again.
This was a game when a good team did not play well and forfeited 2 points. If there had been more team play rather than individual skills and more accuracy with shots on goal the result would have been completely different.
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Rob Oxley, Michael Rawson, Nick Black, Laurence Hayes, Joe Dixon

  Leeds FC 12 Hyde Park & Woodhouse 1

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                     14 May 2015

The return meeting with Hyde Park was different to the first. This time Leeds FC were in control from the start with 2 goals from Dixon. Then a deflection helped HP backed to 2-1. Thereafter Mulavdic and Hayes scored with Dixon making 5-1 at half time.
The second half saw a quickly taken corner suprising the HP  defence  allowing T Rawson to score. A toe end on a cross saw another goal from Rawson for the score to become 7-1. Mulavdic made in 8-1 and then Rawson 9-1. Then following a save goalkeeper Khalighi raced up the field onto a pass from Mulavdic to make the score 10-1. With a minute to go Dixon scored another and Oxley made it 12-1.
A very good all around team performance with a good balance of individual and team play
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson,  Laurence Hayes, Joe Dixon, Dino Mulavdic

           Leeds FC 4 Tyskie 2

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                      21 May 2015

This was always likely to be a close game. Leeds put the pressure on from the start and took the lead with a goal from Black. However, Tyskie showed their ability to keep the ball and created two goals to lead 2 - 1.  Then straight from the kick off Oxley took the ball into the opposition half, played a one-two with an obliging defender and blasted in Leeds' second goal, 2 - 2.
Leeds then shut up shop to withstand anything Tyskie could throw at them. In the meantime, just before half-time, Dixon, rounded the keeper to make it 3 - 2.
The second half continued in the same vein. Leeds blocked everything, but had time  for T Rawson to score to make it 4 -2. This was a very comprehensive team performance
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Nick Black, Laurence Hayes, Joe Dixon, Dino Mulavdic

  Leeds FC 5 Meanwood Athletic FC 2

Leeds Futsal Arena                                                                                     28 May 2015

This was agame Leeds needed to win to leave the outcome of the league title in their own hands. However, initially it was a difficult start. 
Firstly a speculative deflected shot  fooled Khalighi and Meanwood led 0-1. Then the Meanwood keeper threw a long ball over Hayes' head leaving Khalighi one on one and the lead increased. Thereafter Leeds came back. Two in quick succession from T Rawson and one from Hayes made the score 3-2 at half time.
In the second half Dixon and Oxley made it 5. There was some stout defending and good stops by Khalighi leaving Leeds eventual winners. A shaky start but a good result overall.
TEAM - GK - Masood Khalighi, Rob Oxley, Tom Rawson, Laurence Hayes, Joe Dixon, Dino Mulavdic, Michael Rawson
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