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We won the cup...we won the cup...!

As promised Leeds FC returned to competition in the Xcercise4less Cup at the Leeds Futsal Arena on 19 January 2015.
It was a long evening, with a slow start when the team lost its first match to North East rivals "The Bridge". But after five straight wins they found themselves in the final against the same opposition. This time Leeds sneaked a win to come away with the silverware. Performance highlights included a hatful of goals from the Rawson brothers, acrobatic saves from Khalighi, commanding pivot play from Oxley and a confident display in all aspects of the game from new boy Mulavdic. A good all around performance in a competition of 20 teams.
The team are now looking forward to their debut in the Thursday night league in February.

Team members shown below

                            Back row Tom Rawson, Masood Khalighi,Dino Mulavdic

                                      Front row Michael Rawson, Rob Oxley  


What about the young uns!

Any successful sports club requires a junior section to nuture its young talent and Leeds Futsal Club is no different. The Leeds Futsal Club Academy will have its own unique pyramid structure with the foundations based around  new local junior futsal teams. 


Existing junior football clubs or social groups are encouraged to form their futsal teams to compete in a local league. This will give the opportunity or players and coaches to develop their own skills. 


The Academy aims to be the focal point for development by inviting different players and their coaches to be involved with and represent the club. The Academy will be up and running soon.


Watch this space


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