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The evolution of Leeds Futsal Club 

In 2006 Kevin Barr, a local football coach formed a futsal team from players he'd coached at north Leeds football club Wigton Moor and some of their friends. They gave themselves  a jokey team name. Depending who you speak to this was either "Barr's a loner" or "Barr's a loiner". (As Kevin's two sons also played for the team it has never been clear to which particular Barr this name referred. The team qualified for the 2006 Futsal FA Cup. The competition organisers thought the name was too similar to another more famous football club and insisted on a change. Thus the team became FC Barsa.


The FC Barsa name was retained for 3 seasons but was changed to Leeds Futsal Club in 2009. Leeds Futsal Club continued until 2011.


Now Leeds FC has reformed and is looking to grow and regain its National League status. 

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