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Different Youth Development!

Currently National League futsal clubs run their own junior sections but we believe that this is a short sighted view of young player development. It focuses only on a selected minority and ignores the principle of open equal opportunity. One criticism of the Football Academy system is that those outside the “elite” are ignored.  Surely the better method of spotting talent would be to allow more children to participate?


For that reason the club will promote, at age groups up to Under 12, an equality ethos by calling a participating club to provide its own players and coaches represent the city in competitions. In this way Leeds Futsal Club would take the role of facilitator for coaches and players to experience futsal at a higher level. This would be an important development step for both players and coaches.

For an "academy" to have credibility it will have the involvement of the West Riding County FA. (WRCFA). Noises of approval have already been made by Senior Development officers and so we believe a well-planned venture would be welcomed. There may be funding or other support which they can provide or suggest. Nevertheless the visible support of the WRCFA would certainly provide prestige to the project.

Charter Standard Clubs are our best opportunity to source new teams to form junior clubs junior clubs.


But we will not overlook independent coaches who run their own sessions and may also wish to have the opportunity to play matches.


So enquiries will be made with organisations and teams currently using the Leeds Futsal Arenal Arena facilities. 

The youth sytem will need dedicated coaches (and parents) who are amenable to being involved in a new sport. They will also promote the enjoyment and skills of futsal in preference to a “win at all costs” attitude.  This ethos is very important as we will expect the same within the junior teams reprsenting  Leeds Futsal Club. 

If a sufficient number of clubs are interested (say 3 to 4 to start with) and they have access to suitable futsal playing facilities, it will be ultimately possible to have development matches between the clubs at their own venues. It may be necessary, in the first instance, to run any sessions during the week so that they don’t clash with weekend football. This may not be an issue if clubs choose to football train by playing futsal.

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